DIY Manuka Honey Face Mask

What is Manuka honey?

Manuka honey is a type of honey native to New Zealand. It is produced by bees that primarily pollinate the manuka plant, a beautiful flower native to Aotearoa, New Zealand. In 1981 researchers at the New Zealand University of Waikato discovered that manuka honey had considerably higher levels of enzymes compared to regular honey. They also identified the active enzyme in manuka honey called methylglyoxal (MGO). This enzyme creates a natural hydrogen peroxide which acts as an anti-microbial. Levels of MGO can be up to 100x higher in manuka honey than in regular honey. MGO levels are commonly used to determine the potency of the manuka honey in the jar.

Quality matters when choosing a manuka honey. I personally love Activist which I will link here.

How does manuka honey help with acne?

Manuka honey is great for acne due to its high concentration of methylglyoxal. This enzyme creates a natural hydrogen peroxide which acts as an anti-bacterial on the skin. ⁠One of the main driving factors of acne is the presence of a bacteria called Cutibacterium acnes that feeds on sebum which leads to an inflammatory reaction on the skin. Compared to traditional anti-microbial products for acne that typically are quite drying to the skin, manuka honey is anti-inflammatory, soothing and hydrating for the skin. This helps to reduce redness and heals congested and inflammed skin. ⁠

You can use it directly on your skin as a cleanser, a spot treatment, or (my favourite) a face mask left on for about 30 minutes. See instructions below.

manuka honey facemask for acne

What are the other skin benefits of manuka honey?

Manuka honey is not just great for those with acne. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, manuka honey is also great for other inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and rosacea.

Manuka honey also promotes skin regeneration, repairs cellular damage and helps reduce scarring. Further, it helps to increase and protect the formation of collagen.

Manuka honey is also a humectant meaning it draws water to the skin which helps to keep your skin hydrated. It also helps to balance the pH of the skin. SO many benefits!

Manuka has been used for a long time to help with wound-healing as it has the ability to soothe inflammation and pain, as well as, dress a wound at any stage. Lastly, it can help to speed up the wound healing time. It truly is an amazing substance!!

How to use manuka honey as a face mask

  • Apply a thin layer of manuka honey to a clean and slightly damp face⁠

  • Leave on for 30 minutes⁠

  • Rinse off using lukewarm water and then apply your moisturizer or face oil.

I like to do this 2-3x a week to calm inflammation, hydrate/soften my skin, and target any breakouts


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